Principal Dawson is back with a new song:
It will be an e-learning day on Wednesday, February 22nd.
Northside's E-Learning Activity Guides: https://www.stjames.k12.mn.us/o/nes/page/northside-elearning
It was a "rawrsome" week at #NorthsideStJ
Our 5th grade teachers transformed into dinosaurs, Principal Dawson rode a T-Rex, and our main hall display "jumps" out at you.
#NorthsideStJ continues I Love to Read Month next week as we stomp, chomp, and read!
Some #NorthsideStJ Saints Power winners got to play cribbage with Mr. Dawson (@MrDawsonL) this week!
St. James Public Schools is on time for Thursday, January 26. Country bus routes will be PAVED Road pick up only.
#NorthsideStJ Kindergartners became engineers today during STEM class. These rocketships were powered by #SaintsPower
#NorthsideStJ KA and 5th grade students from Ms. Burr and Ms. Docherty's class created snowman projects for each other. 5th Graders then read aloud to their KA buddies. #TheSaintsWay
Congratulations to this week's #NorthsideStJ Saints Power Winners. Way to go! Go Saints!
#NorthsideStJ 4th graders sharing why others should read a book during book commercials today.
MPR visiting #NorthsideStJ this morning for a MPR Classical Notes show. A wonderful morning of music for Northside.
#NorthsideStJ took part in the @Vikings #AsOne Skol chant Wednesday afternoon.
Happy Thanksgiving!
SJPS is thankful for our school community of educators, support staff, students, families and a community who does their best supporting SJPS.
Sending the Tennis team off to State! Go Saints
St. James Public Schools is Hiring:
Paraprofessionals are needed at Armstrong, Northside, and the MSHS. Pay and benefits are per the contract found on the school website.
If interested, the application can be found here: https://www.applitrack.com/ISD840/onlineapp/default.aspx?all=1
Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 5th, is the first 1:45pm early release dismissal.
Mañana, miércoles 5 de octubre, es la primera salida temprana a la 1:45 p. m.
For more information on Saint James Public Schools Student Data Privacy, please visit this link: https://tinyurl.com/2wvarh2r
Para obtener más información sobre la privacidad de los datos de los estudiantes de las Escuelas Públicas de Saint James, visite este enlace: https://tinyurl.com/2wvarh2r
Don't forget - you can have an everlasting impact on the school. Have your name engraved on a new theater seat!
Free Breakfast starting Monday, October 3, 2022!
Padres, estudiantes y miembros de la comunidad Saints,
Hoy, 21 de septiembre de 2022, varias agencias de aplicación de la ley de Minnesota recibieron llamadas telefónicas de "tirador activo" en su escuela secundaria local. Las escuelas secundarias siguieron sus procedimientos y protocolos para este tipo de emergencias. Afortunadamente, no había tiradores activos dentro de estas escuelas secundarias. Desafortunadamente, estas llamadas telefónicas son parte de una tendencia nacional de llamadas telefónicas "falsas" de tiradores activos en las escuelas, conocidas como "Swatting". Hay una investigación en curso del FBI sobre estas llamadas telefónicas.
Las Escuelas Públicas de St. James tienen procedimientos y protocolos que se seguirán en caso de que esto suceda en St. James. Las Escuelas Públicas de St. James, el Departamento de Policía de St. James y el Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Watonwan tienen una sólida asociación de trabajo y trabajarán juntos en este tipo de situaciones. Como distrito escolar, nos comunicaremos con las familias utilizando nuestro sistema de comunicación Infinite Campus.
La salud, la seguridad y el bienestar de cada individuo en las Escuelas Públicas de St. James es una prioridad principal del distrito escolar. Como comunidad de aprendices de por vida, queríamos asegurarnos de que nuestras familias y miembros de la comunidad estuvieran al tanto de este problema nacional que afecta a nuestras escuelas.
Con orgullo Santos,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendente
Saints Parents, Students, and Community Members,
Today, September 21, 2022, a number of Minnesota Law Enforcement agencies received “active shooter” phone calls at their local high school. The high schools followed their procedures and protocols for this type of emergency. Thankfully, there were no active shooters within these high schools. Unfortunately, these phone calls are part of a national trend of “hoax” phone calls of active shooters in schools, referred to as “Swatting.” There is an ongoing FBI investigation into these phone calls.
St. James Public Schools has procedures and protocols that will be followed in the event that this were to happen in St. James. St. James Public Schools, St. James Police Department, and Watonwan County Sheriff’s Department have a strong working partnership and will work together in these types of situations. As a school district, we will communicate with families using our Infinite Campus communication system.
The Health, Safety, and Welfare of each individual in St. James Public Schools is a top priority of the school district. As a community of Lifelong Learners, we wanted to make sure our families and community members were aware of this national issue affecting our schools.
In Saints pride,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendent
BUS STOP CHANGE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION. Bus 2 stopping on 6th Ave will move the bus stops to 7th Ave until the construction is complete.