St. James Child Care is hiring. We offer a great working environment with a competitive salary and benefits, including an employee discount on child care. Apply at the Armstrong Building today (507) 375-4517.
As part of #NorthsideStJ I Love to Read Month, today was Dress as Your Favorite Book Character Day! Be sure to get in the game and read this month.
Congratulations to this week's #NorthsideStJ Saints Powet winners, way to go!
G5 #NorthsideStJ students busy learning about multiplying decimals to find fractions and percents this morning.
As part of #NorthsideStJ I Love to Read Month, Northside students took part in schoolwide B-I-N-G-O to start the day. What a great way to start the weeks! Go Saints!
A group of our #NorthsideStJ 4th-graders will represent thousands of others across the country tomorrow, Tuesday, February 8th! Known as The Nation’s Report Card, NAEP is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what students in the United States know and can do in a variety of subjects. Learn more at
Good luck to #NorthsideStJ 4th Graders tomorrow.
Congratulations to this week's #NorthsideStJ Saints Power Winners! Way to go!
Dental Day
Saints Familias,
Gracias. Gracias por el trabajo en equipo mientras trabajamos usando mascarillas para seguir aprendiendo en persona para nuestros estudiantes. Hoy, viernes 28 de enero de 2022, marca el fin del uso de mascarillas en nuestras escuelas. Nuestra tasa de casos positivos ha bajado a solo un par de personas en cada escuela, y sabemos que la propagación proviene de fuera del sistema escolar.
A medida que avanzamos, el distrito escolar continuará ofreciendo pruebas para el personal y estudiantes que necesiten hacerse la prueba. Se seguirán recomendando mascarillas, pero no será obligatorio mientras estén en los edificios. Les deseo a todos un fin de semana seguro y reparador.
En el orgullo por los Saints,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendente
Saints Families,
Thank you. Thank you for the teamwork as we worked through wearing masks to stay in-person learning for our students. Today, Friday, January 28, 2022, marks the end of masking in our schools. Our positivity rate is down to just a couple individuals in each school, and we know the spread is coming from outside of the school system.
As we move forward, the school district will continue to offer testing for staff and students who need to be tested. Masks will still be recommended, but not required while in the buildings. I wish everyone a safe and restful weekend.
In Saints pride,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendent
#NorthsideStJ is blessed to have an incredible group of paraprofessionals that support the students of Northside on a daily basis. They are a key cog to the function of our building and its success! We want our paraprofessionals to know that they are seen, valued, and an integral part to our system. We thank all of our support paraprofessionals across the district.
Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication to the students of St. James Public Schools.
This week #NorthsideStJ students learning a new medium in Visual Arts class with Mrs. Becker. Students were introduced to gelli painting, a method of printing a layering paints and stencils to print on fabric or paper. This lesson was introduced so that students could explore monoprinting techniques using gelli plates. #TurnaroundArtsMN
#NorthsideStJ I Love to Read Month is quickly approaching.
As part of I Love to Read Month, #NorthsideStJ students had the opportunity to design a t-shirt that connects to our theme.
Congratulations to 5th Grader Hadley Swanson for being selected as the t-shirt design winner for this year's I Love to Read Month.
The I Love to Read t-shirt online store is up and running! You can also see the design at the site. Orders will be taken until 4:00 pm on Wednesday, January 26th. The link to the store is:
If you would like to use the paper order form, please send the order form and $10 (cash only) with your child by 4:00 pm on Wednesday, January 26. Thank you. Questions, contact
Congratulations to this week's #NorthsideStJ Saints Power Winners! Way to go!
#NorthsideStJ Kindergartners participating in crab walk relays in gym class today.
Congratulations to this week's #NorthsideStJ Saints Power Winners. #GoSaints
Saints Families and Staff,
We have had a day filled with COVID testing and families reporting that they are experiencing COVID symptoms. As we continue to contact trace, we are recognizing that most of the students and staff will be required to mask. Therefore, St. James Public Schools is moving to Mandatory Face Coverings in all buildings until the end of January (Monday, January 31, 2022). It is our hope that these two weeks help to cut down on transmission. As a reminder, face covered individuals are not considered close contacts when everyone is masked due to the layer of protection face covering provides.
Face coverings should be worn over the mouth and nose. A face shield is considered a face covering. Children aged two and under are not to be face covered. Preschool families of children three and four years of age are highly recommended to face cover your children.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation as we remain committed to staying open during this difficult time.
In Saints pride,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendent
Familias y personal Saints,
Hemos tenido un día lleno de pruebas de COVID y familias que informan que están experimentando síntomas de COVID. A medida que continuamos con el rastreo de contactos, reconocemos que la mayoría de los estudiantes y el personal deberán usar mascarilla. Por lo tanto, las Escuelas Públicas de St. James está cambiando a Coberturas Faciales Obligatorias en todos los edificios hasta finales de enero (lunes 31 de enero de 2022). Esperamos que estas dos semanas ayuden a reducir la transmisión. Como recordatorio, las personas que se cubren la cara/boca no se consideran contactos cercanos cuando todos tienen una mascarilla puesta debido a la capa de protección que brinda la cubierta facial.
Las cubiertas faciales deben usarse sobre la boca y la nariz. Un protector facial se considera una cubierta facial. Los niños menores de dos años no deben cubrirse la cara. Las familias preescolares de niños de tres y cuatro años, se recomienda a las familias cubrir la cara de sus hijos.
Le agradecemos de antemano su cooperación, ya que seguimos comprometidos a permanecer abiertos durante este momento difícil.
Con orgullo Saints,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendente
Good evening #NorthsideStJ
St. James Public Schools will have an E-Learning Day on Friday, January 14th due to weather.
Here is a brand new snow day song from Mr. Dawson:
You can find information regarding Northside's E-Learning Activity Guide here:
SJPS District E-Learning Plan:
Congratulations to this week's #NorthsideStJ Saints Power Winners! Way to go!