We received the resignation of Jon Wilson, Saints Head Football Coach. We want to thank Jon for the years of hardwork and dedication he has given the program, and most importantly, our athletes. Under Jon’s leadership, we have seen improvement program-wide.
As we move forward, the district will post the position in December, along with having a stake-holder informational meeting. This meeting will provide direction to the district administration in the hiring process. We anticipate interviews to be after the new year. This will give potential candidates time to prepare for interviews. More information will be given at the stake-holder meeting in December. Please continue to watch the website for updates.
We again want to thank Jon for his leadership over the past years. He has provided a positive direction for our football program to build upon.
In Saints pride,
St. James Public Schools Administration
Individuals interested in filing for and running for a School Board seat have until 5:00 PM on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 to file at the District Office at Armstrong School, a filing fee of $2 is assessed. There are three (3) seats open, each seat is a four (4) year term.
St. James students visit Mississippi headwaters and participate in the High Ropes Course in the Bemidji area.
All events are still on today - Thursday, May 2!
There was a TWEET that softball is canceled, which is NOT TRUE!
SB DH @ Windom 4pm is on!!!
JH Track @ home 4pm is on!!!
Boys Tennis @ Pipestone is on!!!
Track is cancelled today because of the severe weather predicted for today from 4PM to 7PM
We are looking at having a meet tomorrow but it will depend on if we can get enough schools to attend.
Today's baseball game with Jackson has been postponed and will be played tomorrow starting at 1 PM. The game will be live-streamed on Hudl
The only option for our kids to not lose a home game was playing at 1 PM tomorrow.
JV/B is canceled; this will be a Varsity-only game.
Baseball moved to 4:45pm today in Redwood because only one field is ready. JV will follow after and is scheduled for 5 innings.
Thanks and sorry as this spring has been unpredictable!
Go Saints!
Today's baseball game vs Windom has been postponed to a later date (TBD).
Monday 4/8/24 Softball is now canceled today @ JCC.
DH tomorrow vs JCC at St. James start time 4:30 pm.
St. James athletics is looking for a Head Girls Basketball coach and assistants. We are also looking for assistant Football coaches. Interested, contact Jared Schwanz or see our website for application and requirements.
St. James MS/HS Choirs are in need of a piano accompanist. The students are preparing for a May 17th Choir Concert as well as a May 6th solo concert. Rehearsal times are during the day as well as in the morning at 7:10 and 7:45 A.M. for Limited Edition, Madrigals and Junior Madrigals. Applicants can apply for all or part of the choirs groups. Pay is $20.00/ hour. Interested, contact Jared Schwanz.
Renew your Health Care
Change from what was scheduled earlier this year
Girls BBB home tonight versus Redwood Valley
C @ 4:45pm
B @ 6pm
Varsity 7:15pm
Boys @ Redwood Valley
B and C @ 6pm
Varsity at 715
Saints Community,
St. James Police Department is hosting a law enforcement training on Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 starting at 4 pm. The training will take place at the Armstrong School and the St. James Police Department. Please do not be alarmed by the amount of law enforcement personnel and squad cars present for this training exercise.
The Armstrong School will remain open until 6:00 PM. After that time, Armstrong School will be closed to the public for safety reasons. Law enforcement personnel will be the only people allowed in Armstrong School for the remainder of the night. This training will go into the nighttime hours, so again, please do not be alarmed by the presence of law enforcement at the Armstrong School or the St. James Police Department.
Thank you,
St. James Public Schools and St. James Police Department
Congratulations to Miss Cronk, who is a finalist for ACTE New Teacher of the Year, which will be awarded to a nominee on November 29.
The ACTE Excellence Awards recognize those individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to CTE, programs that exemplify the highest standards and organizations that have conducted activities to promote and expand CTE programs. Award winners serve as inspirational leaders to ACTE: they embody the core values of serving their students and being committed to CTE. All ACTE Excellence Awards are presented at the ACTE Awards Gala in conjunction with ACTE’s CareerTech VISION.
Thank you to the individuals who bid on the Tractors, F250, and the snow pusher.
The final and highest bids for sale ending 12:00 noon on 10/27/2023 were:
JD 2240 Diesel $2,503.00
JD 1520 Gasoline $3,000.00
F250 $10,075.00
Snow Pusher $2,650.00
Thanks again for supporting St. James Public Schools, the District will be contacting each person to complete the sales.
St. lames Middle/Senior High School conferences are on Wednesday, October 11th, from 4:00-8:00 p.m., in the gym. No appointments are necessary!
Las conferencias de la escuela secundaria St. James tienen lugar el miércoles 11 de octubre, de 4:00 a 8:00 p.m. en el gimnasio. ¡No se necesitan citas!
Ayer, las Escuelas Públicas de St. James trabajaron con el Departamento de Policía de St. James y el condado de Watonwan en una amenaza en la que un estudiante decía que iba a traer un arma al partido de fútbol americano. Durante las entrevistas y el trabajo directo con la familia, se determinó que no era una amenaza creíble.
A última hora de la tarde de ayer, se realizó una publicación preocupante en las redes sociales. Los estudiantes nuevamente alertaron a la administración. Trabajamos directamente con el Departamento de Policía de St. James, el condado de Watonwan y la familia anoche y esta mañana para realizar entrevistas y evaluar la situación.
En este momento, sabemos que nuestras escuelas son seguras y esperamos con ansias un partido de fútbol americano seguro y emocionante esta noche. El Departamento de Policía de St. James y el condado de Watonwan serán visibles en la escuela y sus alrededores, así como durante el partido de fútbol. Queremos asegurarle que la seguridad y la protección son la máxima prioridad para todos. La persona involucrada no asistirá y trabajaremos con la familia en el futuro.
Quiero felicitar personalmente a nuestros estudiantes por alertar de inmediato a la administración y al resto del personal de la escuela para que pudiéramos reaccionar rápidamente.
Con orgullo Santos,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendente
Yesterday, St. James Public Schools worked with the St. James Police Department and Watonwan County on a threat where a student said they were going to bring a weapon to the football game. During interviews and working directly with the family, it was determined that it was not a credible threat.
Late yesterday evening, a concerning social media post was made. Students again alerted administration. We worked directly with the St. James Police Department, Watonwan County, and the family last night along with earlier this morning to do interviews and assess the situation.
At this time, we know our schools to be safe and we are looking forward to a safe and exciting football game tonight. St. James Police Department and Watonwan County will be visible at and around school as well as the football game. We want to assure you that safety and security are a top priority for everyone. The individual involved will not be in attendance and we will be working with the family in the future.
I want to personally commend our students for immediately alerting administration and other school personnel so we could react swiftly.
In Saints pride,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendent
St. James Early Childhood is looking for a coordinator/teacher.