Saints Parents, Students, and Community Members,
Today, September 21, 2022, a number of Minnesota Law Enforcement agencies received “active shooter” phone calls at their local high school. The high schools followed their procedures and protocols for this type of emergency. Thankfully, there were no active shooters within these high schools. Unfortunately, these phone calls are part of a national trend of “hoax” phone calls of active shooters in schools, referred to as “Swatting.” There is an ongoing FBI investigation into these phone calls.
St. James Public Schools has procedures and protocols that will be followed in the event that this were to happen in St. James. St. James Public Schools, St. James Police Department, and Watonwan County Sheriff’s Department have a strong working partnership and will work together in these types of situations. As a school district, we will communicate with families using our Infinite Campus communication system.
The Health, Safety, and Welfare of each individual in St. James Public Schools is a top priority of the school district. As a community of Lifelong Learners, we wanted to make sure our families and community members were aware of this national issue affecting our schools.
In Saints pride,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendent
BUS STOP CHANGE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION. Bus 2 stopping on 6th Ave will move the bus stops to 7th Ave until the construction is complete.
Mobile Health Clinic
SATURDAY, JULY 23, 2022 AT 6 PM – 8 PM Eagles, St. James, MN
Come and Congratulate Les Zellmann on being named National Coach of the Year
Les has been an active part of the St. James Community for over 40 years.
Let's get together and show him how much we appreciate everything he has done and continues to do for the St. James Community and School.
We are looking forward to seeing the St. James Community, past and present teachers, coaches and alumni.
Bring your favorite Les Quotes and Memories. If you have a picture, please bring it along!
If you are not able to attend, please feel free to leave your messages for Les on here, or email them to: and we will be sure they are available to Les on the 23rd!
Please help us spread the word!
Please keep these bicycle safety tips in mind and review them with your kids as they travel to their summer activities! Stay safe!
St. James High School Graduation Ceremony can be viewed on the NFHS network on Sunday. Free of charge. 2:00 - Sunday, June 5, 2022.
War in Ukraine - A Panel Discussion
Thursday, March 17, 2022
St. James Armstrong Auditorium
St. James Child Care is hiring. We offer a great working environment with a competitive salary and benefits, including an employee discount on child care. Apply at the Armstrong Building today (507) 375-4517.
St. James Child Care is hiring. We offer a great working environment with a competitive salary and benefits, including an employee discount on child care. Apply at the Armstrong Building today (507) 375-4517.
Dental Day
Saints Familias,
Gracias. Gracias por el trabajo en equipo mientras trabajamos usando mascarillas para seguir aprendiendo en persona para nuestros estudiantes. Hoy, viernes 28 de enero de 2022, marca el fin del uso de mascarillas en nuestras escuelas. Nuestra tasa de casos positivos ha bajado a solo un par de personas en cada escuela, y sabemos que la propagación proviene de fuera del sistema escolar.
A medida que avanzamos, el distrito escolar continuará ofreciendo pruebas para el personal y estudiantes que necesiten hacerse la prueba. Se seguirán recomendando mascarillas, pero no será obligatorio mientras estén en los edificios. Les deseo a todos un fin de semana seguro y reparador.
En el orgullo por los Saints,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendente
Saints Families,
Thank you. Thank you for the teamwork as we worked through wearing masks to stay in-person learning for our students. Today, Friday, January 28, 2022, marks the end of masking in our schools. Our positivity rate is down to just a couple individuals in each school, and we know the spread is coming from outside of the school system.
As we move forward, the school district will continue to offer testing for staff and students who need to be tested. Masks will still be recommended, but not required while in the buildings. I wish everyone a safe and restful weekend.
In Saints pride,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendent
Saints Families and Staff,
We have had a day filled with COVID testing and families reporting that they are experiencing COVID symptoms. As we continue to contact trace, we are recognizing that most of the students and staff will be required to mask. Therefore, St. James Public Schools is moving to Mandatory Face Coverings in all buildings until the end of January (Monday, January 31, 2022). It is our hope that these two weeks help to cut down on transmission. As a reminder, face covered individuals are not considered close contacts when everyone is masked due to the layer of protection face covering provides.
Face coverings should be worn over the mouth and nose. A face shield is considered a face covering. Children aged two and under are not to be face covered. Preschool families of children three and four years of age are highly recommended to face cover your children.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation as we remain committed to staying open during this difficult time.
In Saints pride,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendent
Familias y personal Saints,
Hemos tenido un día lleno de pruebas de COVID y familias que informan que están experimentando síntomas de COVID. A medida que continuamos con el rastreo de contactos, reconocemos que la mayoría de los estudiantes y el personal deberán usar mascarilla. Por lo tanto, las Escuelas Públicas de St. James está cambiando a Coberturas Faciales Obligatorias en todos los edificios hasta finales de enero (lunes 31 de enero de 2022). Esperamos que estas dos semanas ayuden a reducir la transmisión. Como recordatorio, las personas que se cubren la cara/boca no se consideran contactos cercanos cuando todos tienen una mascarilla puesta debido a la capa de protección que brinda la cubierta facial.
Las cubiertas faciales deben usarse sobre la boca y la nariz. Un protector facial se considera una cubierta facial. Los niños menores de dos años no deben cubrirse la cara. Las familias preescolares de niños de tres y cuatro años, se recomienda a las familias cubrir la cara de sus hijos.
Le agradecemos de antemano su cooperación, ya que seguimos comprometidos a permanecer abiertos durante este momento difícil.
Con orgullo Saints,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendente
Parents, Community Members, Staff, and Students
MN DPS has issued a notice about a TikTok related event for tomorrow. Please see the notice attached. First and foremost, we DO NOT have a threat at St. James Public Schools. Parents, please remind your student(s) of the seriousness of any such behavior. If anyone were to hear of such a threat, please immediately notify St. James PD and school administration.
Again, there is NO active threat. I want to make sure you are informed of this nationwide situation.
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendent
Vaccine Clinic Dec. 14, 2021
Vaccine Clinic Dec. 14, 2021
SJPS first American Indian Parent Advisory Committee (A.I.P.A.C.) meeting will be held in the Armstrong School Board room (500 3rd Ave. S.) on December 8, 2021 at 6 pm. Anyone with American Indian heritage is invited to come and participate in the formation and continued participation of this committee. This includes, students, parents, SJPS employees, and community members. Questions, please email or call Superintendent Heil or feel free to show up to the meeting.
Watonwan Cty. has openings today from 10 am to 1 pm for 5 and above vaccines. Please contact Watonwan County Public Health to schedule an appointment.
Familia Santos,
Escuelas públicas de St. James, específicamente niños en edad de primaria, está comenzando a ver un aumento en las pruebas positivas de COVID. A muchas de nuestras familias se les notifica que su hijo estuvo en contacto directo con una persona positiva. Los casos provienen de grupos de iglesias, actividades juveniles, guarderías y algunos se propagan en la escuela. También pasamos 10 días de Halloween, lo que se pusieron espuestos a enfermedades dentro del plazo. Debido a que no podemos identificar un punto de exposición, y estamos viendo muchos espuestos entre las actividades, el Distrito Escolar está pidiendo a los padres de Northside que consideren que sus hijos usen mascarillas durante las próximas dos semanas (10 días escolares) hasta las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias.
Al tomar su decisión, recuerde que los niños que usan una mascarilla no se consideran un contacto directo si entran en contacto con una persona positiva que también usa una mascarilla. Además, a partir de hoy, muchas de nuestras estudiantes en las aulas estarán usando mascarillas debido al aumento.
Como precaución secundaria, debido al aumento de casos en Northside, no vamos a permitir que Northside asista a la Asamblea del Día de los Veteranos.
Quiero agradecerles de antemano por su consideración con las mascarillas durante los próximos 10 días escolares.
Con orgullo Santos,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendente